I seriously love being a lazy bum inside when it's raining outside. Just being warm and cozy while the rain falls against the window and makes others miserably cold and wet is a wonderful feeling :). KIDDING. Rain = water = basis of life. RESPECT.
So whenever I play The Sims 3
But I have reformed my sinful Simmy ways, and my latest Sim couple were wholly faithful and they had two sons and a daughter who grew up to be the best monogamous group of little pixels I've ever played with. And for some strange reason, I feel so much prouder and more accomplished that they have strong simulated relationships. I feel like a responsible creator :).
Yeah, I need to get out more. But! Extrapolating from my cyber experience, I think it's human nature to be promiscuous. We are animals after all, and most animals have two goals in life: stay alive, and hump as many of the opposite sex as possible. (Although some species do choose one partner for life... AWWWWW. Big hug.)
So I think it is definitely a conscious choice for us to be monogamous (thank you, highly developed cortex), since we have a greater sense of morality and consequences. I also think there is a very fulfilling aspect in being in a relationship that lasts, which is worth giving up the thrill of promiscuity for.
But that's my opinion, of course. And how I got to this profound stream of thought from playing a mind-numbing game (so addictive *cries*) is one for the ages.
K, bye.