Saturday, January 21, 2012

Insanity Day 2: Plyometric Cardio Circuit

I'm sitting here after completing my second ever Insanity workout and I'm not sure if I have the will to get up ever again. I'M SO SORE.

I was sore this morning from previous day's routine, and I'm not gonna lie, it's the good kind of sore, but to a degree I've never felt before :|. I had to work eight hours and I was hobbling around like a grandma. A proud grandma who holds her chin high for starting on an epic journey of fitness!

Anyway, onto today's workout. It was my first ever "routine" since the first day was more of just counting how many of each exercise you can do in a minute. Today was madness. I need to work on my mental block because a lot of times I wouldn't move just because I knew it would hurt when I started and I also assumed I was too tuckered out to do a lot of it, so I just lay in child's pose trying to coax myself into doing more. Also, in the last minute or so, sweat was pouring into my eyes, and apparently my sweat is acidic coz it was burning my corneas out. I had to do the whole last part squinting to look at the screen and then shutting my eyes completely until I could mop my face with a square of Bounty paper towel :P.

I am a little disappointed because I'm sure I could have pushed harder, but at the same time it's only my second day and I realize this is new to my body; I've pretty much strapped on jet packs to my muscles and asked them to go along with it to Mars, haha.

Hopefully I will have more perseverance next time, i.e. tomorrow. I can't believe I have to go through it all over again tomorrow. Thankfully, a different routine so hopefully the variety will keep me motivated.

I really like how I'm feeling, though. In more technical issues, my floor is really slippery to exercise on (it's laminate) so with the sweat and my cross-trainers on, I can't seem to get a good grip when I'm doing stretches, which is a little annoying. But hopefully it isn't a detriment to the effectiveness of the moves.

Alright, I'll keep updating as I go along. Oh Lord, have mercy on me for Day 3...

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