- If you think high school is hard, prepare to poo your pants when you get to university. Don't worry, you will make it through, but you'll wish for lightning to strike your institution and burn it down several times a year. Anyway, my point being, do your best right now and don't let stress eat away at you. There are bigger and better things out there, which you will get to in good time. Enjoy the ride.
- That being said, quit thinking that you can get away with everything because you are intelligent. Please stop procrastinating, assuming you'll do well regardless. I am still suffering the consequences of your well-engrained habit.
Also, I see how you treat your parents like you know more than them. Shame on you. - In fact, your parents will continue to make you feel stupid when you scoff at their advice, only to find out later that they were correct on every count. This will happen throughout your existence.
- Popularity is hardly fulfilling. Be grateful that you have a few friends, but your bond with them runs strong and deep.
- Eight years from now, you will still not know what the heck the future holds or what to do with your life, but just take it one day at a time.
- You will never stop being a hopeless romantic, and your heart will get smashed multiple times because you are such a sucker for all that mushy crap. It's okay, all your failed romantic encounters will shape you into a fine human being, if I do say so myself. Stay strong and know the right man for you will treat you well. In the meantime, being single is pretty legit. Keep your standards high and be proud of your independence.
- Lastly, please brush your hair. I know the extra sleep is tempting, but at least tie it up in a ponytail or something?!
That is all. See you in eight years.
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