Friday, September 2, 2011

One Day

Hello, fellow earthlings.
I'm in a particularly lovey dovey mood at the moment. This Sunday is my parents' 26th wedding anniversary and I am just filled with an overwhelming sense of awe and admiration at how their relationship stays strong while still evolving. Between them, I see a very deep friendship and a sense of mutual respect and pride for each other.
I often question monogamy and if humans as animals are even meant to be with one person for most of their adult lives.
But then I realize that the complexity of human love is what defines us as not just animals. And I sincerely hope that one day I will be blessed with a companion who I can share my triumphs and sorrows with; someone I can be an individual with while still living out the phrase, "Two is better than one."
I partially blame this current mind frame on my Justin Bieber playlist. No one does romance better.
Also, acne is the devil :(. But I shall prevail!