Thursday, March 15, 2012

What a Tease

It's a lovely spring day here in good ol' Ontario, and it makes me so hopeful and optimistic. Or perhaps it's the three hours of sleep I am running on...

Speaking of school (I really wasn't, but now I am, sucka!), it's that time of the year when your motivation to do any school work plummets down south to the Antarctic. I'm not sure what's wrong with me, but I just can't seem to get past doing the bare minimum. I'm sure this is a common symptom of Dear-Babylon-this-school-year-never-ends syndrome for many of us in academia, but about 2% of my brain releases the guilt chemicals for not being more on top of my responsibilities. But to put things in perspective, the other 98% just wants to roll around in bed under the covers forever.

I'm not sure why I've been feeling so apathetic about life lately. Well, I guess the feeling (or should I say lack thereof) comes and goes in waves, punctuated by a dramatic rise in stress levels as I realize I don't even know what I'm going to do with my time this summer, let alone after I finally get my degree (which isn't happening for a while, so put the pom poms away... I do appreciate them, though, thank you <3). Yeah, I'm at the pinnacle of my youth, the world is my pearl, etc. I guess I'm just unsure about what lies ahead. Trying to get a summer job has so far been a harrowing and futile experience, but I still keep plugging along in an effort to avoid homework (see how that works?).

My mom says that the twenties are not exactly a smooth ride because you're still trying to figure out who you are, what you want to achieve, and how to get out and stand on your own two feet. And she reminisces back to her thirties with a smile (note to Mom: I don't think you're old... you legit look like you're still enjoying your thirties).  My dad also says that things will work out for me, it's just a matter of time and sticking to your values.

So with the wise words of my parents, who, to my disdain at times, are always right (man, that gets annoying), I am more at ease about what the future holds.

Also, I am blessed with amazing friends who are not only supportive, but inspirational in how they deal with the cards life deals them. Par exemple, my one friend is so willing to volunteer his time to, as he puts it, "serve the community," since he won't be working many hours during the summer. Seriously, all he's missing is his armour and white horse. Chivalry isn't dead, people, hurrah!

In conclusion, for anyone out there who feels lost, regardless of your age or where you are in life, just know that perhaps the unknown isn't something to fear, but to embrace and look forward to. Uncertainty builds character. And those are my wise words (quote it, biatch)!

Peace, my gorgeous homies.

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